Social Science Important questions Chapter 5 History class 10

Chapter 5: The Age of Industrialisation

1. Who manufactured the new model of steam engine in 1781? [1M]
2. Why workers in the nineteenth century became hostile to the Spinning Jenny?[1M]
3. What is meant by proto-industrialisation? [1M]
4. Who were ‘gomasthas’? [1M]
5. Name an entrepreneur in colonial Bengal who believed that India could develop
only through westernisation and industrialisation. [1M]
6. The First World War led to the development of the Indian industries. Do you
agree? Give three reasons to prove your argument. [3M]
7. Explain how a close relationship developed between the town and the
countryside under the proto-industrial system. [3M]
8. How did the early entrepreneurs accumulate money in nineteenth century
India? [3M]
9. Discuss the problems that were faced by cotton weavers in India in the 19th
century. [5M]
10. “In the 20th century, handloom cloth production expanded steadily in India
inspite of the increasing factory production”. Explain the statement by giving
a suitable example. [5M]


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