
Showing posts from March, 2018

Things to remember while opting a school...

A school is always seems to be a platform for the child to grow morally, socially & psychologically. Being a parents it is our firm responsibility while choosing a school for our child. In the new era of 21st century the importance of education is became very much. And same as the expectations and the aspirations of the parents ars became too high. So as per my personal opinion we must be very even extra cautious while choosing a school for our children. There are few suggestive points which can be kept in mind during the time of admission of your ward in the school. 1. Get it ensured that School is affiliated by education board. 2. The school premises must be neat & clean. 3. The sitting rooms must be fully ventilated. 4. Meet the principal, he or she must be cooperative in nature. 5. Try to meet with the teachers who are going to teach your child. 6. CCTV surveillance is must in and all the school. 7. Even transport vehicles must be CCTV and GPS system installed. 8...

पुरुष हमेशा किस लिए खुश रहता है?

*पुरुष हमेशा किस लिए खुश रहता है?* ये है उसके 7 कारण             👇👇👇 1, फोन पर बात 30 सेकेंड, 2, 5 दिन की यात्रा पर 1 जिन्स काफी, 3, आमंत्रण नही हो तब भी दोस्ती पक्की, 4, पूरी जिंदगी 1 ही हैरस्टाइल, 5, किसी भी तरह की शॉपिंग के लिए 20 min काफी, 6, दूसरे के कपड़ो से कोई जलन नही, 7, कोई नखरे नही। सीधी साधी लाइफ स्टाइल,आज पहना हुआ शर्ट कल की पार्टी में भी चले। *InShort...आलू जैसा.... किसी भी सब्जी में Adjust हो जाये।*

महिलाओं की विचित्र सच्चाई जिसके कारण हमेशा दुखी रहती है।

महिलाओं की 7 विचित्र सच्चाई जिसके कारण हमेशा दुखी रहती है। 1 वे बचत मे विश्वाश करती हैं, 2 फिर भी महंगे महंगे कपडे खरीदती हैं, 3 महंगे महंगे कपडे खरीदती है,फिर भी कहती रहती हैं कि मेरे पास पहनने को कुछ भी नहीं है, 4 पहनने को कुछ भी नहीं होता है,पर सजती बहुत सुन्दर हैं, 5 सजती बहुत सुन्दर हैं,पर सन्तुष्ट कभी नहीं होती, 6 सन्तुष्ट कभी नहीं होती, पर हमेशा चाहती हैं कि उनका पति उनकी तारीफ़ करे, 7 चाहती हैं कि उनका पति उनकी तारीफ़ करे, पर पति सच में भी तारीफ़ करे तो वे विश्वाश नहीं करती। सचमुच बहुत complicated है ये सब। 🙏🙏🙏 To All Ladies

Causes of Hitler's sucess

Adolf Hitler was a great dictator. Behind his success there were lots of reasons. This time I will tell you about Hitler & his dominance in Germany as he was born in Austria however he became successful in Germany. 1% He was very clever & intelligent by born.  2% He was a good speaker.  3% His hate towards Jews and gypsies made him too cruel.  4% He made the promises & fulfill them.  5% He created economic policies to resolve financial problems of Germany.  6% He conquered Austria & Poland by force.  7% He created control on all over the country by his Gomashta (Secret Police).  8% He forced his own censorship on media.  9% He put all his cruel strength to control on military.  10% His strict polices and their implementations made him sucess by force. 

Proceedings of Indian Parliament - Sansad

Indian Parliament is named as Sansad. Every Law is known as bill till the time it is being passed in lok sabha and rajya sabha. Actually the written proposal for a law is known as bill in the terminology of Indian Parliament. As Indian Parliament is situated in New Delhi. There are two houses in our indian Parliament. Upper House & Lower House. Upper house is known as Rajya Sabha and Lower house is known as Lok Sabha. Both the houses are equally important one after another. There are approximately 550 members in Lok sabha and approximately 250 members are there in Rajya sabha. The members of lower house Lok sabha are elected members. They all are elected from all over India. The party which got majority in lok sabha formed government in India after every five years. Now come to the proceedings of Sansad. Initially the proposal for a law is being proposed in any of house by the permission of house speaker.  There is an exception that as there are two types of bills (propos...

India-Pakistan Partition

India-Pakistan Partition...  India got independence on 15 August 1947 and at the time of independence, the last viceroy of India was Lord Mount Batton. Who played a game with Indians with the help of Jawahar Lal Nehru & Muhammad Ali jinnah. The cause of India-Pakistan partition was just because of these two big guns Jawahar Lal Nehru & Muhammad Ali Jinnah. If Nehru wants then the partition could be denied. But the bad willing of Nehru & party and Jinnah & party forced Lord Mount Batton to take a reckless step towards India-Pakistan partition. As per the background of Nehru & Jinnah was same.  As they both studied in same college together and it was known that they were very fast friend of each other. It was just a love revenge towards each other that they both like a common english girl Edwina,  they both dated one after another. All the Indians were made fool that Nehru and Gandhi tried a lot to protect Indian partition. 

Mixed questions Social Science for final cbse exam class 10

Important questions: 1 What are demerits of Democracy? 2 What is the procedure of making law in parliament? 3 How the democracy is better than any another type of government? 4 Why America finally decided to quit from Vietnam war? 5 What is the role of women in Vietnam war? 6 What symbolise Trung sisters? 7 Mention any five demerits of multipurpose projects? 8 What are the loan activities of bank in India? 9 How the GDP of a country directly reletaed to the economic growth of the country? 10 How the all the three economic sectors are interdependent to each other?