
Showing posts from July, 2020

HBSE 10th Result 2020 Out...

Haryana Board Of School, Education, Haryana has declared result for the class 10th Here is the link for 10th Result March2020

Jobs in Dubai, Work Abroad

Hi Today here I'm talking about my friend living in Dubai & share his experience about jobs in Dubai we're going to be talking about what we wish we had known before starting our job search in Dubai. My Experience Since we moved to Dubai about seven years ago and have worked in recruitment since then and in helping people find their jobs and I think there's a lot of things that we realized that we did wrong in that initial job search so we want to share a lot of that with you and hopefully you won't make the same mistakes that we did okay so Readers what's the first thing that you wish you had known before moving to Dubai and looking for a job I think the first thing the biggest thing for me was when I arrived I believe that applying for the most jobs I possibly could will just increase my chances of getting a job as quickly as possible. I remember sitting in, I think it was to buy more in Tim Hortons drinking tons of French vanilla and applying for literally ev...