HSSC 189 TGT Punjabi Recruitment 2016- Advt. No. 04/2016 Apply online at www.hssc.gov.in

Hi friends, HSSC 189 TGT Punjabi Recruitment 2016 Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has declared 189 TGT Punjabi posts under Advt. No. 4/2016. HSSC has announced a latest recruitment notification vide A dvt. no. 04/2016 for 189 TGT punjabi posts . All the eligible candidates can apply online after reading the complete recruitment notification and eligibility criteria. All the interested candidates can apply from 30/03/2016 to 29/04/2016 on HSSC official website www.hssc.gov.in If you want to download official advertisement notification then visit on its official website or directly click on below given link. www.hssc.gov.in HSSC TGT Punjabi Recruitment 2016 The Haryana Staff Selection Commission issued an latest recruitment advertisement No. 04/2016 for 189 TGT Punjabi Posts. As per advertisement online applications will be start from 30/03/2016. More important information like age limit,pay scale,fee, ...